Naomi Fried
Founder and CEO, PharmStars
Naomi Fried, PhD, is the founder and CEO of PharmStars, the pharma-focused accelerator for digital health startups. She is also a Managing Partner and co-founder at Ambit Health Ventures, a venture capital fund focused on early-stage digital health investments. Previously, Naomi was the CEO of the boutique advisory firm, Health Innovation Strategies, which assisted pharmaceutical companies and large healthcare organizations with digital health strategy, innovation program design and optimization, and innovation activities. Naomi was the first Vice President of Innovation and External Partnerships at Biogen where she developed the firm’s “innovation beyond the molecule strategy.” Prior to that, she was the first Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital, where she built and led a team to promote digital health and clinical innovation. Prior to that, she was the first Vice President of Innovation and Advanced Technology at Kaiser Permanente where she led an effort to identify and assess new and emerging health care technology. Naomi is on the board of Wavely Diagnostics and Head Diagnostics and an advisor to Remepy. Previously she served on the board of Directors of the American Telemedicine Association, was a member of the Governor of Massachusetts’ Innovation Council, and an advisor to ResApp. Naomi received her PhD in Materials Science from MIT and her BS in Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley.