Elizabeth Hailer
chief executive officer, The WOMEN’S EDGE
Elizabeth is responsible for the leadership, growth strategy, branding, and management of The Women’s Edge (TWE), a non-profit organization that works with women CEOs, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, and the rising generation of women leaders to help them build successful business, organizations, and careers.
Elizabeth is a highly talented, pragmatic marketing and business development consultant who develops and implements effective strategies and programs needed for client development and acquisition. Prior to joining TWE in 2016, Elizabeth was President / Founder of Hailer Marketing Associates, where she provided clients with more than 35 years of deep hands-on experience in the professional services arena with specific expertise and success in marketing strategy and planning, marketplace positioning, business development programs and management, lead generation, and brand development and management. She has been long recognized as one of the marketing and business development “pioneers” in the professional services sector. Her enviable track record of success includes developing and leading international (Big 8, Big 4), as well as regionally recognized firms. She is a well-known and highly regarded brand builder who works collegially and effectively with firms and organizations, to adopt creative new strategies to advance and achieve measurable business objectives.
Elizabeth is well positioned and recognized in major business organizations throughout greater Boston, and is committed to the development and advancement of all women leaders. She was awarded as one of Boston’s Most Influential Women in 2020 by The Harvard Club of Boston. She is currently serving as a member of the City of Boston ’s Women’s Workforce Council. Her involvements in the business community have included: Board of Directors, Chair, Women’s Executive Forum ACG; Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Chair, Marketing Committee, Co-Chair, 40th Anniversary Year Celebration, The Boston Club; Chair, The Women of the Harvard Club Leadership Committee; Member, Mentor for Strategies for Success Program, The Commonwealth Institute; Member, ProVisors, Boston, MA, and Member, Conference Committee, New England Law Firm Marketing Association. She has presented to a variety of groups including Baker Tilly International, M&A International Global Conference, Massachusetts Society of CPAs, and Women’s Bar Association-Boston, and The Center for Women and Business, Bentley University.