Dear TCI Community:
As we start the year with some chilly temperatures in most of the country, we are blessed to live in such a wonderful area as South Florida! As for TCI, things are really starting to heat up. We are growing our member base in South Florida and have added 15 new members. We would also like to welcome two new board members to the TCI Board; Mary Carroll and Dianne Hankerson. As we all continue our efforts to sustain our business and prosper in 2010 TCI offers solutions and informative programs to help our members thrive. Our next exciting event features a nationally recognized speaker and author speaking on financial freedom. Join us March 9th with money expert and life coach Marianna Olszewski as she teaches us how to live the life of our dreams, featuring her new book; Live It, Love It, Earn It. In April we welcome Alice Schroeder speaking on her book The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life.
We have once again partnered with FIU for the fifth year with our Top Women Led Business Survey. We hope you will take the time to click on the link that appears in the newsletter and fill out the survey. Our event will be held on June 3rd at Jungle Island and I am pleased to report the PNC has agreed to underwrite our event again this year. A special thanks to our board member Elaine Szeto for all her support!
We continue our support of non profit leaders in the community this year with our partnership with the Deborah Natansohn Foundation. Each year they provide scholarship monies to non profit leaders in order to participate in a forum. I am pleased to report that this year they have granted a combination of five partial and one full scholarship for worthy candidates. However, the need was so great this year, we had ten candidates. Three of our board members, the TLT committee, joined together and decided to support the remaining candidates so that everyone who was interested could have the opportunity to join a Forum. We are all so grateful and we are working to form new groups now.
We look forward to seeing at our March event!